Monday, April 27, 2009

Future job.

So i had the opportunity to speak to someone who does the same job i am interested in doing down the road. Im pretty lucky for this, this lady my mom works for, her step-nephew does the same thing i am looking to do. I learned a lot of new information.

He works in a medium security federal prison, first thing he said, that whatever i do, i should not work for a state prison no matter what level of security, because it is rather dangerous. He said on the other hand, federal prisons are far more secure regardless of the security level. He said only 30 people have died in the 100 years of the federal prison system, and in case something were to happen, someone will always have your back. You'll have to go to some training school in Georgia, to learn some defense moves and stuff, the CIA goes to train there. You'll be allowed to carry a concealed weapon anywhere you go except on an airplane. He said he loves his job for many reasons, he said that he gets bored easily, but this job is great because every day brings something new, and its not the same old thing day in and day out. He said its great because you meet some interesting people, and with many of them you feel like you can reach out to them to help them.

In terms of benefits and finances, its amazing. Average starting rate is ~$65,000/year, with annual raises the first three years. PLUS the government pays for your cost of living, so you will have the annual pay plus they pay for the cost of food, gas, etc. There is tons of room for parallel and vertical promotions, for example in the prison if you work hard you can move up to prison warden, and you can transfer into other government psychologist positions, for example psychologist in the military, psychologist in CIA, psychologist in the courtroom, etc. The government will pay for your medical finances, your medicine, and any other finances like that. And its a steady schedule, 7:30-4, 5 days a week, holidays and government holidays off.

Overall, it sounds great benefit wise and job wise. Im actually happy with this decision.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I have been debating getting a tattoo for awhile now, and i have my ideas pretty set. Problem is, i know in 10 years these will look like shit, and then i have a feeling ill regret them the older i get. Plus for my job that im hoping to do at a prison (or any job, matter of fact), i would REALLY want to cover these up.

So well first thought, you guessed it, the Polish eagle.

It means what it means. I am proud of my heritage, i am proud of where i come from, and i always want it to stay close to me. I think this would go on my chest. Problem with this one, is that its very detailed, and i wouldnt want it any bigger than like 2.5 inches. So the only way i think its possible is if i get it big, which i dont really want.

Second idea, another Polish thing.

This has a dual meaning thing, and one of them i am again not sure about. This is the closest picture i could find, but this is supposed to be the stars that are found on the Polish eagle's wings (look above). Long ago, Polish generals would get these on their upper chest/lower shoulders (on the front, hard to explain) just like the eagle, to represent that they are bound to their country. Problem is, that over time this developed a new meaning and the Russian mafia took over the idea. To them, any member of the red mafia that has these in the same spot that i want them in (different spots have different meanings to them) means that you follow the code of honor, pride, and respect of the red mafia. Typically they get these after being incarcerated for the first time, also meaning their first struggle behind bars (also what the Russians do, is the amount of points on the star represents years spent during that sentence). So the problem with this one is that people who know about Eastern European culture, will know that this is not a very good symbol at all anymore. The Hilton Head/Bluffton area might be a bit indifferent, but anywhere else i might get uncomfortable, not sure.

So what do you guys think? Both have great meaning to me, but both of them have significant problems. First one is very detailed, so if i were to get it, i would have to get it big. Second one means something good, but is also a very bad image to anyone who knows what it means to another (more dominant) culture. And the problem with both of them overall is that i dont know how i will feel about this as i get older.

So let me hear your opinions!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

People need to stop being so passive

I hate seeing people get taken advantage of, and it seems like the older i get, the more i see it.

It really hurts me and basically infuriates me when i see or hear about people who are getting taken advantage of, and they just sit there and take it. Or even worse, sit there and take it, but complain about it and do nothing to fix it. I think that every single person has at least one good trait and one good possession (but most have far more). But when someone exploits that person for whatever it is, its ruining someones' potential and chances are they will never develop that area of their personality.

This goes for anyone. Friends taking advantage of friends, boyfriends taking advantage of girlfriends, girlfriends taking advantage of boyfriends, parents taking advantage of kids, kids taking advantage of parents, managers taking advantage of employees, strangers taking advantage of strangers, people taking advantage of the government, the government taking advantage of people. Its one thing to be nice to someone in one way or another, and out of the goodness of your heart to continue, but there needs to be a fine line here.

Personally, i believe that once a person gets tired of it, they need to put their foot down and hold your ground. For those who have known for me awhile, you know me as the guy who would probably take it for a long time, and do nothing about it. But in the recent i dunno, maybe 4 or 5 years, i listened to my parents, and stopped being a pushover. Maybe this is why i never get along with my managers, because 90% of them are just trying to screw you over and use you to benefit themselves. I hate hearing about a person complaining that their manager did not treat them right or something is unfair, because once it becomes a habit, you need to break, and break it hard.

And i think this is partially from my roots lol. My parents have tried to teach this to me, and i think its really because of where i am from. In the recent centuries, so many nations tried to invade Poland, control Poland, and take advantage of Poland. Even in my blood, my grandfather's brother was part of the Polish Underground during the Nazi occupation of Poland, and played a huge role in running them out of Warsaw. Then he did the same thing during the Soviet control of Poland some years later, and he was a high valued target for three different nations at that time. He disappeared some time after that though, RIP. Afterall, the two colors of Poland: red represents the bloodshed over hundreds of years on the land fighting for independence, and white represents the peace that the blood was spilt for.

Moral of the blog: People have suffered (and still suffer) all over the world because they didnt stand up for themselves. Instead of letting it happen, everyone needs to stand up for their own personal honor.


Friday, April 17, 2009

Greatest movie alive.

Crank: High Voltage was by far the most entertaining movie alive. The first movie was so stupid, so ridiculous, so pointless, but so entertaining, and the sequel completely blew away the standards that the first movie set. If you can get past the type of movie this is, and understand that its not made to be serious, then you'll enjoy it. This movie was so over the top extreme, and so over the top hilarious because it was so out of control. After the movie, most people were completely speechless. Like there is nothing you can say after the movie ends, because so many things happened its like watching numerous action movies at one time.

Jason Statham is definitely the action star of this decade. From Transporter to Crank, he does all action roles perfectly.

This movie was the most entertaining movie i have ever seen.

Thank you Charles, for giving me the idea to make this into a blog.

Also, if you go see it, watch after the credits begin rolling for some foreshadowing, if you know what i mean.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Music is dying.

I just want to make a blog to put my feelings out there about modern mainstream music. Because i personally think most genres of music are changing their standards just to get that popular sound, just to make money, even if they are making it so music is becoming less of an art. I know all music changes over the years, but personally i think these latest trends are not for the best. Basically, music is dying.

These are JUST my opinions, this is not intended to criticise anything that anyone likes, its just how i personally feel about music today. I dont know why, but people seem to get mad when you say something about the music they enjoy now. Its just an opinion.

Well i will start this blog off with my main genre of music, which is rock. Rock used to be great, not only did it sound good, but it was an art. With amazingly written songs, thoughtful and deep lyrics, and some instrumental talent that was not easily imitated. The latest mainstream trend in rock music has taken a sharp turn toward that generic sounding "pop-punk" sound. Of course there are some mainstream artists that do not follow the popular sound, and still manage to stay popular. Still artists to this day make some incredible music, but you will NEVER hear about them. And it just so happens, that most of those bands are the ones that were popular years ago, and never changed their style to adapt to that modern sound.

When it comes to rap, i now see why the label "rap" rarely exists as a genre anymore, it changed to "rap/hip hop". Tupac, Biggie, and Dr. Dre, all made amazing music in the 90's that was very well written. Now we have turned to artists like Lil Wayne and Soulja Boy. I think i have a strong bias against Lil Wayne, and this is why i am not fond of mainstream rap today, because he is in about 75% of the songs you hear on the radio. He is definitely not a horrible artist, but he is by far the most overhyped artist in the past many years. I personally believe that he has poorly written lyrics, and has little to no emotion in most of his music. Now that he became popular, his style is copied by many artists. If its not that kind of music, then we have music like Soulja Boy, and well there isnt much to say about that. Much like rock, there are lots of good rap/hip hop artists that still make music that dont follow the mainstream pattern, but of course, you wont hear much about them (with the exception of a few).

Like i said, just my opinion and taste in music. I feel like as newer artists come out, i like less and less of them and i find myself listening to more older music than newer music. Rock is dying because of the pop-rock sound, rap is dying because of the Lil Wayne/Soulja Boy sound. Im no music expert, but i have my tastes.

Note: lol Gregg the Grim Reaper

Sunday, April 5, 2009


One other blog i thought i would post, on a less serious note (or maybe more, depends what way you see it).

This past weekend, i was reunited with a really close old friend of mine. Its been years since he brought me joy and happiness, but he is back now, and hopefully for good.

My good friend, Vanilla Coke has come back to the stores.

I nearly shit myself when i saw the case of Vanilla Coke at Publix the other day. I don't know if you guys remember, but they stopped producing this delicious carbonated beverage maybe 4 or so years ago for whatever reason. But its back now, and if you have never had it before, you really need to try it out.

Greatest soda alive

Life -> ?

This blog is becoming just what i thought it would be. Post a few times, then rarely after that. So i will contribute something to it right now to keep it alive.

So lets talk about LIFE

Really nice picture btw. Open the full thing to see it.

So who has had that feeling of not knowing what the rest of your life will be like? Lately this kind of stuff has been on my mind. College flew by, i guess after having awful grades in high school motivated me to try extremely hard in college, and its paid off. Now i am way ahead of the game, and i can take whatever class i want, for example, i will take golf in the fall semester lol. Only a year to go before i am done.

My game plan
, being a psychology major, i have some strange drive to work as a prison psychologist, every time i tell people thats what i want to be, i get some strange looks and the same questions: "Aren't you scared?", "WHY?!", etc. Its always been interesting to me. And what makes me happy is helping people, especially helping people change their ways for the better, maybe even saving a life that way. Well after i finish college, i will take a year off (or a semester, we'll see) and either try to get a 35-40 hour job and save up money, or try to get a paid internship at some prison to get a start. After that, i know for sure i will go to get my masters. The problem is where and how. My family is from another country, so the school system is different there, i am the first person in my family to go to college here and graduate, so they have no clue how to help with this. Plus, i dont know what school i want to go to. After that, i hope to begin working at the prison. Maybe after two or three years of that, i will try to go back to school one more time to get my PhD, and advance more in the job to something more like working as a court psychologist.

But of course, thats just a goal. Honestly i dont know how achievable it is, seems realistic, but that doesn't mean too much.
But what comes along with all of this stuff? Where will i live, will i still have the same friends, will i still have the same hobbies, what about my family, what about starting a family. I am just under 2 months away from being 21, and i feel like nothing has been done in all of these years.

Seems like life was so much easier as a kid LOL. Wake up, go to school, be bad and mess around all day long, come home and play with friends, go to sleep and start over again the next day.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


This is just to talk about my favorite videogames. I know this may sound weird, but videogames have always been an outlet for me. When i was a young lad, i had very few friends because nobody wanted to be friends with the immigrant kid who didnt speak English too well for the first few years. My dad bought my mom a Super Nintendo for their anniversary (i think she wanted it lol), and after about a year they realized i played it far more than they did, so it became mine.

Now i know people have their outlets while under stress or other problems, some people write, some people draw, some people play sports, some people play music, some people do drugs, some people drink alcohol, etc etc. Videogames to me are not only fun as hell, but they keep me calm and keep my head straight. I know it sounds kinda dumb lol.

So this is my top 5 favorite videogames.

5) Conker's Bad Fur Day

This game is great. Funny as hell, hilarious story with a TON of movie references, and the original multiplayer kept me and my friends busy for a very long time. I cant honestly say a game has ever made me laugh nearly as hard as Conker's Bad Fur Day did.

4) Super Smash Bros Brawl

I know its a newer game, but this choice is sort of tied with SSB: Melee, since they are really similar. I put tons of hours into these two games, and they are horribly addictive. Plus, it brings all of my favorite Nintendo characters into one game. Even though its newer, i find this one to be more enjoyable because of the upgrades compared to the last. I put so much time into these two games in single player, multiplayer with all of my friends, damn lol.

3) Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past

This one i chose for more sentimental reasons. When i was 8, my grandfather passed away, and he was one of the people who raised me when i was a kid. I always looked up to him, he was always so nice to me and i loved him so much. When i found out he passed away, my parents went to the store and picked this game up for me, to i guess keep my mind off of things, and i always remember the game being associated with my grandpa. Its an amazing game, it was the first game i played where you had a huge world to explore and you could do whatever you wanted. Sadly enough i never beat it lol, i tried playing through it so many times now, and i can never beat the game. But it is one of my favorite games for those two reasons.

2) Super Mario World

The game that started it all. It came free with the Super Nintendo my dad got for my mom a long time ago, and i remember my dad would always be at work and i rarely got to see him, and i would either go with my mom and watch TV at work or stay at a daycare. This game always brought us all close together, and i swear i put so much time into this game since i was a little kid. Its a classic, and i played it so much that i remember every level, every song, every secret, etc. Definitely one of the best.

1) Diablo II

Oh man lol. I have never put this much time into a game the way i did with Diablo II. I played this game for maybe 4 or so years STRAIGHT, and then another 3 years on and off. I know i put tons of hours into this game, i dont know for sure, but my guess is definitely over 1000, maybe even pushing 2000 hours. Most of my friends at the time played the game, and we would always play online. It was so much fun magic finding, grinding your level up extremely high, and just straight up harassing people and stealing from them. This game lasted me 6-7 years, and i still get an urge to play it sometimes. I dont think any game can ever come close to Diablo II when it comes to my favorites. Cant wait for Diablo III!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Never forgotten, never forgiven.

Yeah I copied this idea from my Myspace. And I'm bored as hell because of my teeth.

Its one of the things from World War II that aren't known by many people for whatever reason. And seeing how it is about my people and my heritage, its pretty important to me.

It was the Soviet attempt to begin to wipe the Polish from the map. In 1939, the Soviet secretly began taking important Polish figures, such as high ranking military officers, professors, scientists, princes, government leaders, and all sorts. They would take them to the Katyn forest in Russia, and shoot everyone one by one in the head, and bury them in NUMEROUS giant mass graves. The real number of lost in Katyn is not clear, but most numbers say somewhere between 15,000-30,000 executed. Thats like executing every single person living in Bluffton, maybe even Hilton Head. Think about it.

For many years, this never made the news, and it was covered up. Once word got out that people were being executed, the Soviet threw it off on the Germans and tried to make them take responsibility.

Also think about stuff like this when you play games like Call of Duty: World at War. Which made the Russians seem like complete hard asses, whooping everyones ass that got in their way. These are the people who murdered hundreds and thousands of innocents, not only Polish, even some of their own kind that refused to fight.

Lets not forget the first country to fight back against the Nazi invasions in Europe, Poland. Lets not forget the first country to fight back the Soviet Union in 1989, Poland. Crack all the Polish jokes you want, its a strong beautiful country with great heart and pride, but also with a bloody history.

Jeszcze Polska nie zgineła,
Kiedy my żyjemy.


Wisdom toofs

Man evolution sucks, these things need to stop growing in people.

I was dreading this whole wisdom tooth extraction thing like crazy, the thought of having anything on my head (especially mouth) cut up was giving me so much stress and I was really panicking.

Well I had it done yesterday morning, and man I expected it to be far worse. When I got to the oral surgeon yesterday, I was about to shit myself from fear. They called me and my dad back, and they got me hooked up to the heart meter and all the vital stuff. Once they mentioned getting the IV, I heard the heart meter going faster and faster, I was embarrassed lol. Come to find out that was just nutrients for the operation, then the nurses were trying to be nice and calm me down. I remember the nurse giving me instructions on what to do after, and then the doctor came in, I talked to him a tiny bit, and then he said he will shoot the sedative into the IV. He said I should be knocked out in 3-5 minutes, but in about a minute I will start feeling the effects. Last thing I remember, is I heard my heart rate go up again, and as he shot it in I gave my dad a thumbs up. It took like 20 seconds and I was out cold lol.

Next thing I know I wake up, and I look around and only one of the nurses were in the room, it felt like I shut my eyes for 5 seconds. I had a whole bunch of shit in my mouth so I couldn't talk. They took all the equipment off of me, and they had to help me balance my way in the car. No pain yet, but I got home and had to switch out the gauze from my mouth every 30 minutes because it was bleeding like crazy. Then over the next 4 or so hours, the pain started to kick in, and damn it wasn't pleasant at all. BUT, it was far less worse than I expected. Samantha came over and spent the day with me, taking care of me, we watched a movie and I just laid around all messed up. She got me Mario Power Tennis for Wii and the entire Godfather movie collection which I have been dying to buy, thank you!

Today its really sore, painful if I move my jaw at all. But its all good. I thought not being able to eat solid food for 2 weeks wouldn't be a big deal, but I cannot make it any longer lmao. Soups just don't fill me up too well, and I don't feel comfortable chewing yet since it still hurts like hell. Time to spend another lazy day doing nothing :D

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Yeah i made a blog, now its just a matter of whether i post in it or not LOL