Thursday, March 12, 2009

Never forgotten, never forgiven.

Yeah I copied this idea from my Myspace. And I'm bored as hell because of my teeth.

Its one of the things from World War II that aren't known by many people for whatever reason. And seeing how it is about my people and my heritage, its pretty important to me.

It was the Soviet attempt to begin to wipe the Polish from the map. In 1939, the Soviet secretly began taking important Polish figures, such as high ranking military officers, professors, scientists, princes, government leaders, and all sorts. They would take them to the Katyn forest in Russia, and shoot everyone one by one in the head, and bury them in NUMEROUS giant mass graves. The real number of lost in Katyn is not clear, but most numbers say somewhere between 15,000-30,000 executed. Thats like executing every single person living in Bluffton, maybe even Hilton Head. Think about it.

For many years, this never made the news, and it was covered up. Once word got out that people were being executed, the Soviet threw it off on the Germans and tried to make them take responsibility.

Also think about stuff like this when you play games like Call of Duty: World at War. Which made the Russians seem like complete hard asses, whooping everyones ass that got in their way. These are the people who murdered hundreds and thousands of innocents, not only Polish, even some of their own kind that refused to fight.

Lets not forget the first country to fight back against the Nazi invasions in Europe, Poland. Lets not forget the first country to fight back the Soviet Union in 1989, Poland. Crack all the Polish jokes you want, its a strong beautiful country with great heart and pride, but also with a bloody history.

Jeszcze Polska nie zgineła,
Kiedy my żyjemy.



  1. There's nothing wrong with learning some new history during your spring break LOL. But seriously this is why I hate history sometimes, like they always glorify the wrong people! But thanks for sharing this, I don't think I want to be the RED ARMY anymore in COD5, I'd rather be the Wer-*gets shot*

  2. lol now you see why i make a bunch of random Russian jokes?
