Sunday, March 15, 2009


This is just to talk about my favorite videogames. I know this may sound weird, but videogames have always been an outlet for me. When i was a young lad, i had very few friends because nobody wanted to be friends with the immigrant kid who didnt speak English too well for the first few years. My dad bought my mom a Super Nintendo for their anniversary (i think she wanted it lol), and after about a year they realized i played it far more than they did, so it became mine.

Now i know people have their outlets while under stress or other problems, some people write, some people draw, some people play sports, some people play music, some people do drugs, some people drink alcohol, etc etc. Videogames to me are not only fun as hell, but they keep me calm and keep my head straight. I know it sounds kinda dumb lol.

So this is my top 5 favorite videogames.

5) Conker's Bad Fur Day

This game is great. Funny as hell, hilarious story with a TON of movie references, and the original multiplayer kept me and my friends busy for a very long time. I cant honestly say a game has ever made me laugh nearly as hard as Conker's Bad Fur Day did.

4) Super Smash Bros Brawl

I know its a newer game, but this choice is sort of tied with SSB: Melee, since they are really similar. I put tons of hours into these two games, and they are horribly addictive. Plus, it brings all of my favorite Nintendo characters into one game. Even though its newer, i find this one to be more enjoyable because of the upgrades compared to the last. I put so much time into these two games in single player, multiplayer with all of my friends, damn lol.

3) Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past

This one i chose for more sentimental reasons. When i was 8, my grandfather passed away, and he was one of the people who raised me when i was a kid. I always looked up to him, he was always so nice to me and i loved him so much. When i found out he passed away, my parents went to the store and picked this game up for me, to i guess keep my mind off of things, and i always remember the game being associated with my grandpa. Its an amazing game, it was the first game i played where you had a huge world to explore and you could do whatever you wanted. Sadly enough i never beat it lol, i tried playing through it so many times now, and i can never beat the game. But it is one of my favorite games for those two reasons.

2) Super Mario World

The game that started it all. It came free with the Super Nintendo my dad got for my mom a long time ago, and i remember my dad would always be at work and i rarely got to see him, and i would either go with my mom and watch TV at work or stay at a daycare. This game always brought us all close together, and i swear i put so much time into this game since i was a little kid. Its a classic, and i played it so much that i remember every level, every song, every secret, etc. Definitely one of the best.

1) Diablo II

Oh man lol. I have never put this much time into a game the way i did with Diablo II. I played this game for maybe 4 or so years STRAIGHT, and then another 3 years on and off. I know i put tons of hours into this game, i dont know for sure, but my guess is definitely over 1000, maybe even pushing 2000 hours. Most of my friends at the time played the game, and we would always play online. It was so much fun magic finding, grinding your level up extremely high, and just straight up harassing people and stealing from them. This game lasted me 6-7 years, and i still get an urge to play it sometimes. I dont think any game can ever come close to Diablo II when it comes to my favorites. Cant wait for Diablo III!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Never forgotten, never forgiven.

Yeah I copied this idea from my Myspace. And I'm bored as hell because of my teeth.

Its one of the things from World War II that aren't known by many people for whatever reason. And seeing how it is about my people and my heritage, its pretty important to me.

It was the Soviet attempt to begin to wipe the Polish from the map. In 1939, the Soviet secretly began taking important Polish figures, such as high ranking military officers, professors, scientists, princes, government leaders, and all sorts. They would take them to the Katyn forest in Russia, and shoot everyone one by one in the head, and bury them in NUMEROUS giant mass graves. The real number of lost in Katyn is not clear, but most numbers say somewhere between 15,000-30,000 executed. Thats like executing every single person living in Bluffton, maybe even Hilton Head. Think about it.

For many years, this never made the news, and it was covered up. Once word got out that people were being executed, the Soviet threw it off on the Germans and tried to make them take responsibility.

Also think about stuff like this when you play games like Call of Duty: World at War. Which made the Russians seem like complete hard asses, whooping everyones ass that got in their way. These are the people who murdered hundreds and thousands of innocents, not only Polish, even some of their own kind that refused to fight.

Lets not forget the first country to fight back against the Nazi invasions in Europe, Poland. Lets not forget the first country to fight back the Soviet Union in 1989, Poland. Crack all the Polish jokes you want, its a strong beautiful country with great heart and pride, but also with a bloody history.

Jeszcze Polska nie zgineła,
Kiedy my żyjemy.


Wisdom toofs

Man evolution sucks, these things need to stop growing in people.

I was dreading this whole wisdom tooth extraction thing like crazy, the thought of having anything on my head (especially mouth) cut up was giving me so much stress and I was really panicking.

Well I had it done yesterday morning, and man I expected it to be far worse. When I got to the oral surgeon yesterday, I was about to shit myself from fear. They called me and my dad back, and they got me hooked up to the heart meter and all the vital stuff. Once they mentioned getting the IV, I heard the heart meter going faster and faster, I was embarrassed lol. Come to find out that was just nutrients for the operation, then the nurses were trying to be nice and calm me down. I remember the nurse giving me instructions on what to do after, and then the doctor came in, I talked to him a tiny bit, and then he said he will shoot the sedative into the IV. He said I should be knocked out in 3-5 minutes, but in about a minute I will start feeling the effects. Last thing I remember, is I heard my heart rate go up again, and as he shot it in I gave my dad a thumbs up. It took like 20 seconds and I was out cold lol.

Next thing I know I wake up, and I look around and only one of the nurses were in the room, it felt like I shut my eyes for 5 seconds. I had a whole bunch of shit in my mouth so I couldn't talk. They took all the equipment off of me, and they had to help me balance my way in the car. No pain yet, but I got home and had to switch out the gauze from my mouth every 30 minutes because it was bleeding like crazy. Then over the next 4 or so hours, the pain started to kick in, and damn it wasn't pleasant at all. BUT, it was far less worse than I expected. Samantha came over and spent the day with me, taking care of me, we watched a movie and I just laid around all messed up. She got me Mario Power Tennis for Wii and the entire Godfather movie collection which I have been dying to buy, thank you!

Today its really sore, painful if I move my jaw at all. But its all good. I thought not being able to eat solid food for 2 weeks wouldn't be a big deal, but I cannot make it any longer lmao. Soups just don't fill me up too well, and I don't feel comfortable chewing yet since it still hurts like hell. Time to spend another lazy day doing nothing :D

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Yeah i made a blog, now its just a matter of whether i post in it or not LOL