Sunday, April 12, 2009

Music is dying.

I just want to make a blog to put my feelings out there about modern mainstream music. Because i personally think most genres of music are changing their standards just to get that popular sound, just to make money, even if they are making it so music is becoming less of an art. I know all music changes over the years, but personally i think these latest trends are not for the best. Basically, music is dying.

These are JUST my opinions, this is not intended to criticise anything that anyone likes, its just how i personally feel about music today. I dont know why, but people seem to get mad when you say something about the music they enjoy now. Its just an opinion.

Well i will start this blog off with my main genre of music, which is rock. Rock used to be great, not only did it sound good, but it was an art. With amazingly written songs, thoughtful and deep lyrics, and some instrumental talent that was not easily imitated. The latest mainstream trend in rock music has taken a sharp turn toward that generic sounding "pop-punk" sound. Of course there are some mainstream artists that do not follow the popular sound, and still manage to stay popular. Still artists to this day make some incredible music, but you will NEVER hear about them. And it just so happens, that most of those bands are the ones that were popular years ago, and never changed their style to adapt to that modern sound.

When it comes to rap, i now see why the label "rap" rarely exists as a genre anymore, it changed to "rap/hip hop". Tupac, Biggie, and Dr. Dre, all made amazing music in the 90's that was very well written. Now we have turned to artists like Lil Wayne and Soulja Boy. I think i have a strong bias against Lil Wayne, and this is why i am not fond of mainstream rap today, because he is in about 75% of the songs you hear on the radio. He is definitely not a horrible artist, but he is by far the most overhyped artist in the past many years. I personally believe that he has poorly written lyrics, and has little to no emotion in most of his music. Now that he became popular, his style is copied by many artists. If its not that kind of music, then we have music like Soulja Boy, and well there isnt much to say about that. Much like rock, there are lots of good rap/hip hop artists that still make music that dont follow the mainstream pattern, but of course, you wont hear much about them (with the exception of a few).

Like i said, just my opinion and taste in music. I feel like as newer artists come out, i like less and less of them and i find myself listening to more older music than newer music. Rock is dying because of the pop-rock sound, rap is dying because of the Lil Wayne/Soulja Boy sound. Im no music expert, but i have my tastes.

Note: lol Gregg the Grim Reaper


  1. I agree man! But music will never die ;) It just changes, we're getting old lol
    But fo real, the 90s was like a decade ago and this new generation of music will pass soon too. I think music can still be saved...just waiting for a savior...

  2. I agree with all the things you've said...but MUSIC will never die. No matter how much talentless fools takeover genres won't die because it will always have FANS.

  3. Music to me aint dead but then again I mixx a lot of different types so when one slacks I just lean to the other, LoL! However, Lil Wanye is not hyped in my opinion. I would be 10x more happier with life if ppl would keep it real with themselves and just recognize real. The man has talent simple as that, but a lot of ppl to get tried of hearing the samething and seeing as he is on a lot of ppl's songs maybe be you have just become tired. To say he's over hyped or say he's killin music would be a false statement. Soulja-Boi on the other hand...idk what that is, but I cann't really knock'em cause some of his stuff is pretty catchy. Cann't say the nig is garbage then you see me jammin a song of his, LoL! Point with that is I'ma leave'em alone and just admit that some of his stuff I would jam, haha!

  4. Oh and that new white rapper David was tellin us about actually aint that bad. I checked him out and in my opinion I would deff jam his stuff before ever becoming a fan of M&M. (Idk how that dude really spells his name seeing as I'm no fan of his.)

  5. Yeah Asher Roth isnt too bad, that white guy, his I Love College song is so horribly catchy, its like a plague lol. Which i guess isnt a bad thing. But i love Eminem, or at least his older stuff, he definitely had some skills. Not so much his newer stuff.

  6. Also, here is something funny since we are talking about Wayne, Mike sent me this a long time ago.

    1. Pick a Verb. Preferably a verb about running away from the law or from an assailant. I.E. Duck, Run, Dodge or maybe Stop, Drop or Roll. Lil' Wayne LOVES stopping, dropping and rolling. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    2. Connnect the verb to some sort of simile. This is crucial. Every single Lil' Wayne line must contain some sort of relatively obvious simile. So maybe you can "duck like Scrooge." "Run like a bloody nose." Or even "Dodge like Kansas." You can do metaphors but try to steer away from doing this too often, lest people think that you are a different ghost-writer. That is bad. Also for bonus points talk about how "sweet" you are. Lil' Wayne loves talking about being sweet like a Tahitian Treat or some other delicacy high in sucrose.

    3. Mention "Slanging Keys." This is crucial to establish street cred. Don't pay attention to the fact that Lil' Wayne's been famous since 12 and the only thing he knows about slangin' is that he speaks with it. After all, if you don't talk drugs how else can you impress the translucent Dairy Queen-white music critics. This way they can also compare you to the Wire. (Just remember to connect all that "slanging keys" talk with a simile).

    4. Declare that you are Weezy F. Baby. This will tell listeners who you are. Sure, they probably already know, but adding The "F" in the middle of the name uncertainly adds to Wayne's level of class. It makes him seem like F. Scott Fitzgerald. Exactly like F. Scott Fitzgerald. Whatever you do, don't attempt to ascertain what the "F" stands for. That my friends is a slippery slope. And whatever you do, don't think about what the "F" stands for while looking at a picture of Wayne and Baby making out.

    5. Talk about hustling. Music critics love hustling. Presumably, they are devotees to the energetic style of basketball popularized by players like Ben Wallace, Kurt Rambis and Mark Madsen. This will make them feel at home. If there's anything music writers know about, it's hustling.

    6. Talk about Baby. Call him your Daddy. Forget the fact that he's not actually your Daddy. Forget the fact that the majority of people that call other men "daddy" are prostitutes. It's unimportant. Mention something that Baby told you. Maybe that he told you "these *****es is *****es." Or that he told you to "Turn around and stick out." (Maybe, he was just quoting Sir-Mix-A-Lot.) Ignore the fact that you call a man named "Baby," "Daddy." Let's just chalk that up to being a New Orleans thing.

    7. Make some sort of obvious pop culture technology reference. Talk about IPods. Or Myspace. Or gigabytes. Something remotely technological. It will show that Wayne is not completely slow (just partially) and might have actually read a newspaper once or twice. Which clearly means he is a genius.

    8. Talk about how poorly you treat women. Perhaps you can claim how you'll "never love a *****." Or how you'll "never give a ho a damn thing." The more misogynistic the better. This will definitely do much to steer people away from those nasty "brokeback" rumors.

    9. Apropos to nothing, make some sort of remark about Hurricane Katrina. No need to bother making it have anything to do with the rest of the verse. After all, never underestimate white liberal guilt. Any sort of name-dropping will make white liberals feel bad and they will forget the fact that Wayne is a multi-millionaire and anoint him the voice of the people. Also, be sure to make wild ridiculous conspiracy theories like claiming that you heard George Bush blew up the levees. The more absurd the better. Go for it.

    10. Proclaim yourself the "Greatest Rapper Alive." Forget the Fact that Wayne would be lucky to be included in a list of the Top 20 rappers working right now. Most music critics haven't listened to Hip Hop Made Before 1999 anyway (other than Public Enemy). If you proclaim yourself the greatest, you will be the greatest. Or at least people will be foolish enough to buy this bull sh*t.

  7. I must admit that this here is pretty funny, LoL! I'm not even about to drop the "H-bomb" on you or Mike. You think what you think..I think what I think and what I think is Lil Wayne's the shyt.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Yeah to each their own, i agree, the great thing about America lol, i agree 100% my man lol
